[Verse 1]
Before I check the mic (Check, check, one, two)
I give it a extra swipe with a Lysol disinfectant wipe (Good evening)
Coronavirus in effect tonight
Antiseptics on deck, I got every type (Yeah)
抗菌劑就在桌上 每種類型的都有
I throw on my tux, then I (Yeah) give zero fucks, then I (Yeah)
再來清潔我的燕尾服 其實我都啥都不管
Act like a jockstrap (Uh), cup my nuts, then I (Yeah)
裝的像是運動內褲 因為我抓著我的懶蛋
Check my ball hair (What?), make sure it's all there (Yeah)
檢查下我的陰毛 確定它們都到位
Then call the pallbearer (Yeah)
It's Music to Bе Murdered By again, why stop?
因為因為準備要被我謀殺 欸 誰停了下來?
Overkill likе a pipe bomb in your pine box
我過度濫殺到 丟下一管炸彈在你的棺材裏面
You're all hitched to my cock (What?)
Went from punchin' a time clock to getting my shot
Then treated it like a cyclops
Like it's the only one I (Only one eye) got
And my thoughts are like nines cocked (Chk-chk)
Every line's obscene, pervertedest mind, got the dirtiest rhyme stocked
每句歌詞都存放著我最變態的思想 最骯髒的韻腳
That's why there's parental advising (Visine) every time I drop (Eye drop)
So throw on the theme to Alfred, I'll channel him like the Panama Canal
所以我丟了這張專輯 像巴拿馬運河般把它控制得宜
But how could I get up in arms about you saying trash is all that I put out?
Bitch, I still get the bag when I'm putting garbage out
婊子 我還是可以賺到一袋袋的錢當我發出垃圾啦
Plus, the potty mouth, I'm not about to wash it out
再加上 我這骯髒的嘴 我根本沒打算要將它清洗乾淨
The filthiest, so all this talk about I'm washed up, how preposterous
但我是最骯髒的那個人 所以到頭來我還是得清清我的嘴 多麼可笑
Because if cleanliness is next to godliness
It's obvious that it's impossible for me to be beside myself
And I'm 'bout that capital like a proper noun
Still on top the pile
Got me sitting on numbers like a pocket dial
Quick to call you out on your bullshit
Don't make me give that crock a dial
'Cause if I do it, see you later, alligator
因為如果我這樣做的話 就表示我跟你說掰掰了
Made it out the trailer, then I made a vow to cater to no one
我做了預告片 宣示迎合了那些我不喜歡的人
So hate, I've gained about the same amount that's in my bank account
雖然賺了錢到了我的戶頭 但我討厭這樣
So here's some more shit for you to complain about, I say the
Bars that never slack (Yeah), but always get attacked (Yeah)
當我唱出:「我不會變弱」之類的歌詞 總是被攻擊
I think they're gunnin' for me, it's startin' to feel like that
我想他們開始在逼我 這開始感覺像
Like I'm marked, 'cause when I rap, it's like fallin' on my back in a tar pit
我被標記了一般 因為只要我一開口 就感覺我朝背掉進了瀝青湖
'Cause I have this target on my back (Ew, yuck)
But if I ever double-crossed my fans and lost my Stans
但如果我欺騙了我的粉絲 失去了我的狂粉
I'd probably pop five Xans (Yeah)
Go in my garage, start my van
走進我的車庫 啟動我的廂型車
Inhale as much carbon monoxide and exhaust I can
And doze off like *snores*
But odds like that, with these thoughts I have's like a giant getting squashed by ants
但很奇怪的是 有這些想法的我就像是被螞蟻壓死的巨人一樣
If this is the test of time, I'd pass with flying colors
但如果這是時間的考驗 那我會華麗的通過
Like I just tossed my crayons (Tossed my crayons)
Small, medium, and large size cans
不管是小包裝 大包裝還是家庭號
Sanitizers of all types, brands, cost nine bands
就算要花一堆錢 不管哪種的清潔劑我都負擔的起
Which is a small price for Lysol wipes and
因為對於清潔劑公司來說都是小價格 更不用說我
If my palms brush across my pants, I wash my hands
只要我的手刷過了褲子一秒鐘 我就馬上消毒

Shit, hold on, man
靠北 欸老兄等等
Happy birthday to—
Fuck (Shh, quiet)
幹 (噓 閉嘴)

[Verse 2]
I sit in silence in candlelit environments
Sipping Wild Irish while getting violent
Homicidal visions when I'm spitting like this
But really I‘m just fulfilling my wish of killing rhymes
Which is really childish and silly, but I'm really like this
雖然很幼稚 但我喜歡這樣
I'm giving nightmares to Billie Eilish, I'm Diddy's side bitch
我給予怪奇比莉噩夢 我還是吹牛老爹的小三

What the fuck? Hold on, wait
"I'm Diddy's side bitch?"
Oh, I'm still east side, bitch
歐 原來是「我還是最能代表東岸的人物」

[Verse 3]
So 'til the E-N-D, since EPMD
Been givin' y'all the business (Yeah), D-R-E and me (Yup)
我就一直與Dr. Dre給你們足夠的震撼
From the MMLP to (Huh?) MTBMB (Bitch)
Bitch, it's 2020, you still ain't seein' me (Haha)
欸婊子 都2020年了 你還是看不到我的背影
So call me Santa Claus (Santa Claus)
'Cause at the present (Yeah), I out-rap 'em all (Wrap 'em all), I'm at the mall
因為我在商場 現在我的饒舌還是屌他們好幾萬倍
Got your bitch in a bathroom stall, she could suck a basketball (Uh)
快讓你的婊子去廁所裡 她可以用她破爛的下巴
Through a plastic straw (Yeah) with a fractured jaw (Damn)
My dick is coat check (Ha), she wanna jack it off (Yeah)
我的屌就是一個衣帽間 她想要放外套在上面
I'm so far past the bar, I should practice law
我現在已經越過了門檻 我應該去練習一下法律
Mentally, I'm fucked up generally (General Lee) (Duh)
一般來說 我的心靈已經搞砸了
Dukes of Hazzard car (Yeah), get the cadaver dogs
像是正義前鋒裡的車 最好叫上救援犬
'Cause this is murder, murder and you'll get murked, murked
因為這是謀殺 而你會被殺害
This music 'bout to kill you, brr, brr (Brr)
因為這音樂將會殺了你 啵啵
This chicken hit my phone, she said, "Chirp, chirp"
這隻母雞打了我的電話 她說:「喳喳」
I said, "Hut, hut, hike your skirt, skirt"
我說快快 掀起妳的裙子
Then go eat some worms, like the early bird
然後來吃我的大蟲子 像是早起的鳥兒
What the fuck is love? That's a dirty word
Make me fall in it, there's not a girl on Earth
讓我深陷其中 地球上沒有女人
Or any other planet, that's a world of hurt
其他星球上也沒有 她們只帶來整個世界的痛楚
And I won't buy her designer, 'cause I don't pander (Panda)
我才不會買她的設計品 因為我不是舔狗
But I'm back with so many knots, I need a chiropractor (Damn)
但我回歸了 還帶著一捆捆的鈔票 我想我需要一個脊療師
And this the final chapter (Why?), 'cause I'm either frying after (Oh)
我想我已經到了我的最後章節 因為我等等不是被電刑
Or they gon' give me the needle (What?) like a vinyl scratcher (DJ)
就是被注射 就像老式的唱片機一樣
Yeah, I'm a card, like Hallmark
對 我就一張卡片 被賀曼賀卡遞送
At Walmart with a small cart buying wall art
And y'all who claim to be dogs aren't
No bite, like a tree, mostly just all bark, arf, arf
咬人都不會 你們只是像棵樹而已 虛有表皮而已
But y'all pickin' the wrong tree, they call me dog because I'm barking (Bar king, bark, bark, barking)
但你們挑錯樹來咬了 他們叫我獵犬是因為老子會狂吠
And I got a lot, yeah, like where cars park
而且我還叫很多 就像是停車的地方
I'd describe it as bowling (Why?) ball hard (Ball's hard)
我會將這描述為保齡球 (為甚麼) 因為球很硬
'Cause the gutter's where my mind is and when
It's in this frame, better split like the five and the ten
而當到了計分時 最好留給我5-10來打
'Cause without a second to spare, I'm strikin' again
因為如果我第二次沒打完 那就是我第一次就全倒了拉
And when the beat is up my alley, I go right for the pens (Pins)
而當節奏出現在我這道時 我就馬上去拿筆來寫詞
The cypher begins
I'm talkin' smack like heroin, the mic's a syringe
我歌詞能給你像海洛因一樣的衝擊 而麥克風就是我的注射器
It's like a binge, Vicodin, I would liken to tin
就像是在濫用止痛藥般 我就像是錫
My mind is a recycling bin
There's no place I never been
But I never budge and I never bend
但我不會改變我的主意 也不會彎了我自己
You hyperextend on me, this game's life, it depends
但在這遊戲中 你們都壓在我身上 使我過度彎曲
Like adult diapers for men
Even when I'm rappin' less stellar
It's sour grapes, I still whine, I'm the best seller (Cellar)
這就像酸葡萄一樣 我還是會繼續發牢騷 成為最佳銷售
Like a trey deuce, spray you as these shots penetrate through Dre's booth
像是點32的手槍一樣 歌詞像子彈般從Dre的錄音室朝你們噴出
And go straight through your grapefruit, no escape route
那些子彈穿過你們懶蛋 你們沒有逃生路線
So you won't leave here just scathed with a few scrape wounds
這樣你們才離不開現場 不會只留下一些小擦傷
Your ass is grass and I am not gonna graze you
你的屁股就像草 但我不會只留下擦痕
But if bars were semi-mac's, I'd be the Mad Hatter
但如果我的歌詞是半自動機槍的話 我就是瘋帽客
'Cause I got so many caps, and you don't have any straps (Nah)
因為我射了超多子彈 而你一把槍都沒有
So you'd be a fitted (Yeah), so don't act like you fittin' to snap
那你就乖乖地發你的脾氣 別再裝地你有多麼屌
Bitch, I'll pee (P) on your head like a Phillies hat (Haha)
婊子 我會尿在妳頭上 像是費城的帽子一樣
No stoppin' me, you're on a window shopping spree
妳阻止不了我 妳只能在站在櫥窗外瘋狂地看妳買不起的東西
Bitch, you probably go broke at the Dollar Tree
婊子 妳可能都可以在雜貨店買東西買到破產
You never buy shit, all you ever cop's a plea
妳甚麼都買不起 也就只能買買別人的同情
You're always punkin' out like Halloween
You rather opt to flee, you need to stop it, punk
妳選擇的第一順位就是逃跑 妳真的該停下來了 渾蛋
Homie, you're not a G, act like you got the pump
老兄 你根本不是龍頭 還裝的你是一樣
And you're gonna cock the heat or get the Glock and dump
要裝的話你最好將槍上膛 那把最好是克拉克 然後瞄準好你的敵人
Bitch, if you shot a tree, you wouldn't pop the trunk
婊子 如果你射了棵樹 我看連樹幹都不會動吧
Yeah, and I'm buddies with Alfred, we about to
對拉 我就是Alfred的兄弟 我會將會
Disembowel them, gut 'em and scalp 'em, yeah
將他們開腸剖肚 殺了他們 撕下他們的頭皮
This is 'bout to be the bloodiest outcome
'Cause we gon' make you bleed with every cut from this album
So I'm choppin' 'em up like Dahmer
The nut job with the nuts that are bigger than Jabba the Hutt
I'm in the cut, and I'm out for the blood
我躲在偏僻的地方 外出只為尋求血液
It's lookin' like it's that time of the month
Carvin' 'em up with the bars while I sharpen 'em up, dog and a mutt
用著我的歌詞來切割你們 當我還在磨著那些狗跟傻子們時
I'm gonna fuck your mom in the butt with a thermometer, fuckin' phenomenal, but
我會用溫度計把你媽的肛門耖報 真是非凡啊 但
Y'all will get cut the fuck up like abdominals if you don't vámonos
我會將你的肚子剖開 如果你不趕快滾一滾的話
I keep droppin' like dominos, the formidable, abominable
Stompin' a mudhole in my comp even if it's off the top of the dome
我還是能在這行中留下屬於我的印記 就算我早已不在頂端
Son 'em, get the Coppertone, I'm at the Stop and Go coppin' the Mop and Glo
孩子們 去拿Copperston的防曬乳 我來跟mop and go打帶跑
Got your stomach in knots like you swallowed rope
我的歌詞讓你心生畏懼 像是你吞了一根繩子一般
You out of pocket though, like a motherfuckin' wallet stole
你的跟歌詞是真沒料 所以你就好來偷我的

Wait, why'd the beat cut off?
欸 伴奏怎麼被切掉了?
Fuck it

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